Seriously London?! 5-8" and your entire tube & bus system shuts down?! Idiots.
Here's a rough list of things I've learned while I've been here.
-it's the states, not america.
-short flush on the toilet is completely useless. it does nothing.
-dryers in washer/dryers don't work, except for my clothing for some reason.
-tesco is the most convenient store, yet lacks thyme, limes, lemon, ziploc bags, and other essential things. don't ask me why.
-cursing is totally okay. ESPECIALLY on public television. so are boobs.
-you walk on pavement, not the sidewalk.
-pop into means go into.
-bangers and mash means meat & mashed potatoes.
-toad in the hole is disgusting. scratch that... ALL of their sausage dishes are disgusting. picture the worst ever breakfast sausage you ever ate, then stick it in a horrible sauce.
-NOBODY knows how to make coffee. Somehow they all burn coffee mix.
-Saying "Fags" is totally acceptable if you're talking about cigarettes
-Brilliant & fab mean cool / awesome.
-Mad/nutters means crazy.
-bloke/chap/mate/lad means friend/guy/buddy/pal/bro/etc.
-It's the lift, not elevator... queue, not line... and loo/toilet/WC, NOT bathroom.
-whatever you say, DON'T SAY PANTS. it means underwear. it's called trousers here.
-mind means "watch out for..." as in mind the gap.
-way too many people commit suicide by jumping on the tracks of the tube.
-the tube is completely and utterly pathetic. it stops from signal failures, the wrong kind of leaves on the track (what's the right kind?), fires, snow, rain, people being under the tube, and probably more things that i haven't encountered yet. plus it's only open from 5am-midnight. SO useless.
-give way means watch out / caution.
-give way aka caution
-it doesn't rain every day.... just like every 3 days it'll drizzle overnight/in the morning.
-fart jokes are acceptable for some reason here. i hope to change that.
-british food is horrendous - the only tolerable thing i've had so far is fish and chips and it's just fried fish and french fries... not that difficult.
-the clothes are all gorgeous, and making me become sort of self-conscious about mine. EVERYONE WEARS SKINNY JEANS AND I FIT INTO NONE OF THEM. I'm like wayyy over a size 16 in these stores... I've never felt fatter in my life (and I've lost about 5 pounds probably / gotten into a lot better shape from walking everywhere).
-the men are either really attractive or not at all. not much of a middle ground.
-the phrase "british teeth" is DEFINITELY TRUE.
-the people you meet here are better than the people in america.
to be added to later...
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