After arriving on February 13th, we checked into the hotel and walked around the area waiting for the long-anticipated Magical Mystery Tour. Despite having every Beatles song ever created on my iTunes, I didn’t know the story behind a lot of them. For example, I have the Germany recording of “My Bonnie“ with the Beatles and Tony Sheridan, but I didn’t know that it was their first recording ever. I didn’t know that Brian Epstein originally owned NEMS records, and signed them in January of 1962 (I thought it was much earlier). It was really cool finding out what song Paul McCartney auditioned for the Quarrymen for – Eddie Cochran’s “Twenty Flight Rock.“ I had always thought that Eleanor Rigby and Father McKenzie were fictional characters, until I learned that Eleanor Rigby is buried at St. Peter’s church, and Father McKenzie’s real name is Tommy McKenzie who was the master of ceremonies at all of the Northwich Memorial Hall concerts.

I absolutely loved the tour. Getting to see all of their childhood houses, get a picture with and drive along Penny Lane, and to visit Strawberry Field made me indescribably happy… it was definitely one of the best afternoons of my life.

After the tour, we had free reign to explore the town. After grabbing some delicious Greek food opposite the bombed out church with Chris Maggio, it was off to the Cavern club. For about ten minutes, all I could say was “I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M AT THE CAVERN CLUB!!!!“ The Wall of Fame was breathtaking… the fact that I was where SO MANY famous acts had played… one of the most famous clubs in the world… signing the wall… I couldn’t contain my excitement.

If only it was the real John Lennon…
The next day, we went off to the Albert Docks to see the Beatles Story museum. The amount of Beatles trivia and objects were staggering… the Quarry Men drumkit, John Lennon’s first guitar, their contract with Brian Epstein, Ringo’s drumsticks, John’s glasses, the microphones they used at Abbey Road, a brick from the original Cavern Club… the list just goes on and on.
After the Beatles Story I was off to the Tate with Sarah Fasching, where we got to see pieces of work by Picasso, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, and my favorite, the Salvador Dali ‘Lobster Telephone.‘ We also visited the slavery museum and the Hard Day’s Night Hotel before getting back on the bus to Crosby Beach. Overall, this weekend was the best experience I could have asked for, and I love the Beatles now more than ever.
Posing on Crosby Beach with one of the sculptures
here are the photo albums:
also, feb 20-23 i was in venice/milan with chris, and then from the 6th-13th i'm gonna be in rome & athens. more on those later. also, i have zero desire to ever return to the united states, let alone ithaca college. more on that later too. currently i'm swamped with my brit pop journal/studying for my midterm on tues/internship stuff... the only reason i even posted this blog entry was 'cause i already had written it for my journal.
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